Jesus Wins Satan - Satan Loses

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(Revelation 12)
Lesson Number: 

Lesson 1

Jesus Wins - Satan Loses

(Revelation 12)

Copr. 2023, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Suggested answers are found within parentheses. If you normally receive this lesson by e-mail, but it is lost one week, you can find it by clicking on this link: Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you study.

Introduction: Are you optimistic about the future? I’m reading a book by Jonathan Cahn entitled “The Return of the Gods.” Cahn argues that the pagan gods which were dominant during the Old Testament and whose followers created so many problems for the early Christian Church were banished by the rise of Christianity. For more than two hundred years they and their temples have been out of business. Now, with the decline of Christianity in the West, they are making a comeback. Of course, an idol made by human hands is nothing. Consider, however, when Satan’s supernatural followers decide to use these idols, these gods, for their own purposes. This clash is a critical part of the cosmic conflict between good and evil. Let’s jump into our study of the Bible and learn more!

  1. Satan Falls
    1. Read Revelation 12:7-9. What is the hometown of Satan and his angels? (Heaven! They all started out in heaven.)
      1. What is the reason for the conflict? (We are not told in these verses. We will consider that later.)
      2. Who seems to have initiated the battle? (Michael and the good angels. Why? Because the text says that the dragon and his angels fought back.)
      3. Who won? (Michael and his angels defeated Satan and his angels.)
      4. What resulted from this defeat? (Satan and his angels were banished to earth.)
      5. Why earth of all places? (Humans agreed to turn their allegiance over to Satan. See Genesis 3.)
    2. Read Revelation 12:3-4. What do you think is represented by the “stars of heaven?” (Note that they are cast to earth. This is precisely what we just read happened to Satan (called the dragon) and his followers. Thus, we should understand that these stars are fallen angels.)
      1. What additional information are we given about this terrible battle in heaven? (It tells us that a third of the angels rebelled. Michael had twice the number of angels on his side.)
    3. Read Isaiah 14:12-14. This connects Satan’s expulsion from heaven to the reason for it. Why was Satan cast out of heaven? What caused the battle to take place? (It was pride. It was treason. Satan wanted to make himself like God.)
      1. When we decide that we will accept some parts of the Bible and reject others because we “know better,” is that putting ourselves in the place of God?
  2. The Woman and the Child
    1. Read Revelation 12:1-2. When the text says this is a “sign,” what does that mean? (A sign tells you about some reality. A McDonald’s restaurant sign tells you that an actual restaurant in near.)
      1. What is this sign about? (Read Isaiah 54:5-6. God’s people are symbolized by a woman.)
    2. Read Revelation 12:5. Who is this “male child?” (Jesus. Israel was God’s chosen people and Jesus’ mother was Jewish. That causes the “mother” reference to make sense. This must be a reference to the birth of Jesus on earth. His incarnation and His return to heaven.)
    3. We have previously discovered that the dragon and his followers are Satan and fallen angels who have been banished to earth. Now add verse six: read Revelation 12:5-6. What does that tell us about the battle? (That it continued on earth. And Satan kept losing on earth.)
      1. What is the significance of that to us today? (Read Hebrews 1:2-3 and Hebrews 1:8. Hebrews tells us that Jesus made purification for our sins! It appears that the iron rod referred to in Revelation 12:5 is His ”scepter of uprighteousness” referred to in Hebrews 1:8. This not only reinforces righteousness by faith alone, it tells us that the power of God’s kingdom is the righteousness promoted by His law.)
        1. What does that teach us today as the ancient gods return to our society? (We depend on Jesus for our righteousness. We understand we cannot perfectly keep the law. On the other hand, our weakness does not prevent us from holding up the law of God as the perfect standard for life.)
  3. Victory
    1. Read Revelation 12:10. What is the first thing mentioned that should give us joy in victory? (Salvation. Jesus’ victory gives us salvation if we accept Him.)
      1. What else accrues to us through Jesus’ victory? (The power of God’s kingdom, the authority of Jesus (as Victor), and the defeat of our accuser.)
      2. What do you think the statement that our accuser has been “thrown down” means with regard to his accusations? Does he no longer have God’s ear to make accusations against us? (It sounds like Satan no longer has a platform in heaven to accuse us before God. However, the matter is complicated when you think about Job 1:6-9. The context tells us that this conversation took place after Satan was cast to earth, but apparently Satan still had the opportunity to accuse Job before God.)
    2. Read Zechariah 3:1-2. What does this tell us about Satan’s ability to accuse us before God? (He was still doing it during Old Testament times.)
    3. Read John 12:31-32 and compare Philippians 2:9-11. What does this tell us about the timing of Satan’s total exclusion from heaven? (Jesus defeated sin at the cross and replaced Satan as the ruler of the world. Indeed, Jesus became the ruler of the entire universe. Satan no longer could claim that he was the ruler of the world and that ended his authority to enter heaven and accuse us.)
      1. If Satan’s ability to accuse us before God is impaired now, what do you think he is doing? Is he out of the accusation business? (He is accusing us through pagans. He is accusing us through fellow Christians. He is accusing us in our mind.)
        1. What is the answer? (He is defeated! Jesus won our victory for us.)
  4. The Battle Continues
    1. Read again Revelation 12:10-11. What is the key for claiming Jesus’ victory? (We point to the cross. We point to what God has done for us. We act like this is not our only life.)
    2. Read Revelation 12:12. How is Satan taking his defeat?
    3. Read Revelation 12:17. Who is targeted by Satan? (Those who keep God’s commandments and who point to Jesus as the source of salvation.)
      1. How would you expect pagans to act given the attitude of their leader? (This verse says that Satan is “furious” and what he has in mind is “war.”)
      2. Do we see this today? (United States Court of Appeals Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan, who teaches with me at Regent law school, was invited to speak at one of the top law schools in the United States. A student mob hurled insults at the judge as he attempted to speak. Judge Duncan reports one protester said, “I hope your daughters get raped.” Is this anything other than demonic?)
    4. Jesus won the victory over Satan and his fallen angels. The war has been won. But, we still must contend with the sullen losers and their human allies. How should we respond to them? (Read Luke 23:34. Jesus’ example is to forgive them. Although it is too late for Satan and his fallen angels, it is not too late for his human allies. Consider the case of students that I just mentioned, how many of you view things in a different light then you did when you were young?)
    5. Friend, Jesus won! Our side won! The old gods may be returning, but their cause is lost. If you have not yet made a firm decision why not, right now, claim the victory of Jesus and become a winner?
  5. Next week: A Moment of Destiny.