Resurrection Before the Cross
Lesson 5
Resurrections Before the Cross
(Jude 9, Zechariah 3, 1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4, Mark 5, John 11)
Copr. 2022, Bruce N. Cameron, J.D. Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Suggested answers are found within parentheses. If you normally receive this lesson by e-mail, but it is lost one week, you can find it by clicking on this link: Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you study.
Introduction: The Bible records Old Testament prophets who raised the dead to life. The New Testament tells us that Jesus raised the dead to life, and that Peter and Paul did also. What purpose do these resurrections serve? Those who were raised to life appear to have died later. Why is that? On the other hand, we have Moses who was raised to life, and he appears to be immortal because he is seen again a thousand years later. Let’s dive into our study of the Bible and see what we can learn regarding these extraordinary miracles!
- Old Testament: Moses.
- Read Jude 9. The resurrection of Moses is surrounded by contention and a dispute with Satan. Is this the first resurrection recorded in the Bible? (Yes. Assuming this is close to the time of Moses’ death, other Old Testament resurrections are much later.)
- What do you think is the nature of the dispute? (Since this is the first resurrection, the dispute is likely over the authority of God to raise Moses to life.)
- Read Hebrews 2:14. Who does the Bible say has the “power of death” at that time? (Satan! We can reasonably speculate exactly what Satan was saying: “Moses was a sinner. He died. I have the power of death and you (God) have no authority to defy my power and raise him to life.”)
- Look at Jude 9 again. What does it mean that Michael did not “presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment?” (Blasphemy is understood as a vilification of God. Satan is likely contending that he is the “god” of the earth. Michael does not get into a debate on this, but merely rebukes Satan.)
- Let’s look at a parallel situation. Read Zechariah 3:1-2. This is another Old Testament story in which Satan is accusing a religious leader. How does God answer Satan’s accusations? (As with Moses, He rebukes him but does not debate him.)
- Read Zechariah 3:3-5. What is the issue? (The sinfulness of the High Priest.)
- How does God cure the problem of Joshua’s sinfulness? (Read Isaiah 61:10. Joshua is given a robe of righteousness. This is righteousness by faith alone.)
- What does Joshua’s ability to be clothed with a robe of righteousness depend upon? (Jesus’ victory at the cross.)
- What is the parallel between the debate over Moses and Joshua? (The authority of God to perform these actions turns on the future actions of Jesus. I don’t think God wanted to get into a detailed discussion of this at that time, so He simply rebukes Satan.)
- Why do you think that God brought Moses to life?
- Read Jude 9. The resurrection of Moses is surrounded by contention and a dispute with Satan. Is this the first resurrection recorded in the Bible? (Yes. Assuming this is close to the time of Moses’ death, other Old Testament resurrections are much later.)
- Old Testament: Widow of Zarephath’s Son
- Read 1 Kings 17:17-18. The first part of this chapter records how God saved the lives of Elijah, this widow, and her son by working through Elijah to supply them all with oil and flour through a famine. In light of that, why would this widow speak so harshly to Elijah? Why would she accuse the person who saved her son with later killing him? (She believed that God worked through Elijah, and if her son died Elijah must have had a hand in it.)
- Read 1 Kings 17:19-22. What did Elijah believe was the reason for the boy’s death? (He also thinks God caused this death.)
- Why do you think that God raised the boy to life? (1 Kings 17:22 says that God listened to Elijah. It seems that God is vindicating His own reputation.)
- Read Deuteronomy 32:50-51. Why did Moses die? (He died as a punishment by God.)
- Do you see parallels between the death of Moses and the son of the Widow of Zarephath? (Both are seen as dying at the hand of God.)
- Old Testament: Shunammite’s Son
- Read 2 Kings 4:28 and 2 Kings 4:32-35. If you read this chapter, you will find that the parents of this son built a place for Elisha to stay when he was in the area. In gratitude, Elisha asked what they would like him to do for them. What they wanted was to have a son, and Elisha promised they would have one (2 Kings 4:16). Why did God perform this miracle?
- Compare 2 Kings 4:16 with 2 Kings 4:28. What is the accusation made against Elisha and God? (They have lied to the mother. They told her that she would have a son, and now God has broken this promise by allowing the son to die.)
- Why do you think God raised the son to life? (Again, God is vindicating His name.)
- New Testament: Jairus’ Daughter
- Read Mark 5:22-24. If you were Jairus, what would your expectation be about Jesus healing your daughter?
- In this crowd is a woman who has been sick for twelve years. She has had lots of medical care, but her chronic illness is getting worse. Read Mark 5:27-29. What is this woman’s goal? (To touch Jesus and be made well.)
- Read Mark 5:30-32. Is this woman’s goal in conflict with the goal of Jairus? (Yes. The disciples think Jesus is being silly, and Jairus is considering screaming in frustration over this interruption.)
- Read Mark 5:34-35. What is Jairus thinking? (Jesus has no common sense. He does not take into account emergencies. Jesus does not do what Jairus believes that Jesus agreed to do.)
- Read Mark 5:41-42. Why did Jesus perform this resurrection? (One reason would be to vindicate His reputation with Jairus.)
- New Testament: Lazarus
- Read John 11:1-3. What is the expectation of Mary and Martha? (Jesus would heal Lazarus because He loves him.)
- Read Luke 10:38-39. Why would Jesus love Lazarus? (They provided a place for Jesus and His disciples to stay. This reminds us of our shelter stories for Elijah and Elisha.)
- Read John 11:20-21 and John 11:32. What accusation is made by both sisters against Jesus? (His delay results in the death of Lazarus.)
- Of what does this remind you? (It reminds us of the charges against God made to Elijah and Elisha.)
- Why do you think Jesus brought Lazarus to life? (God is again vindicating His reputation.)
- Let’s look a little deeper. Read John 11:40-42. Why does Jesus say that He wants to resurrect Lazarus? (So that the people “may believe that [God the Father] sent Me.”)
- Read John 11:4. What reason does Jesus give to His disciples? (It provides glory to God and Jesus.)
- The Why
- In every resurrection we have discussed, except that of Moses and Jairus, God’s reputation was specifically under attack. Think about the life and death of Moses and decide whether God’s reputation was at stake there? (Moses was God’s man to bring His people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. When God punished Moses by depriving him of the Promised Land and sending him to his death, this might well tarnish God’s reputation. Satan would argue that God was unfair in His treatment of this leader.)
- Read 1 Corinthians 15:22 and 1 Corinthians 15:24-26. Will your resurrection be a vindication of what happened in Eden? Will your resurrection, among other things, be a vindication of the reputation of God?
- Why are only some resurrected to eternal life? (If you are taken to heaven, then you have access to the Tree of Life and thus eternal life. Revelation 22:2.)
- Friend, God is the author of life. He gave us life originally, and if we choose Him, He will give us life again. Will you choose Him? Will you help to bring glory to God?
- Next week: He Died for Us.